Borderlands DLC to see a disc release
Called 'Borderlands Add On Pack' - catchy name right there - the pack scheduled to hit stores in the US on February 23rd (no word on a UK release yet) and includes both Zombie Island of Dr. Ned and Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot packs off the marketplace.
The upcoming pack,Secret Armory of General Knoxx, wasn't mentioned however so guess you'll still need to download that version come release.
Alien vs Predator: co-op video unveiled
SEGA’s released a new video for Aliens vs Predator, showing the Survivor Mode from their upcoming game.
Game is due out next month, and expect a demo as soon as this week*.
Gears of War 2 hosts 'Valentine Event'

- Revives are worth double points
- Horde mode rewards double XP for each completed wave
- Wingman mode rewards double the normal XP
Why We'll Never See Violence in The 'Game Room.'

Microsoft have found a unique and quite sly way of getting around the process of each individual game receiving an ESRB rating in their upcoming XBL add-on the 'Game Room.'
Instead of getting each game rated before release, like Nintendo do with their Virtual Console, they'll just put them there with little delay, and without being 're'-rated. The only catch is because the 'Game Room' is rated at an E10+, every game that will be releaed will also be E10+. This is sad news for any people who expected to such classics as Mortal Combat or Streets of Rage.
Although the ESRB rating is used only in North America it is highly likely that the same rules will be seen worldwide.
Dante's Inferno Montage
Video: Blur is far from Bizarre

Blur, the upcoming racercade (that's the name I totally just made up for racing arcade games) from ex PGR developers Bizarre, has gotten itself a nice new video. The video explains some of the story and backbone of the game, and what you can expect when the game ships.
If your expecting a PGR experience, then your more than likely going to be disappointed. But perhaps that's a good thing. Good, solid and fun arcade racers are hard to come by these days, so this could be a breath of fresh petrol fumes.
Check out the video below and see what you think.
Black Sabbath to hit Guitar Hero the fifth in February
Tracks include:
- Sooner or Later, Until The End, and Give Me A Sign by Breaking Benjamin
- Sweetleaf, Into the Void, and After Forever by Black Sabbath
- Can You Take Me, Losing A Whole Year and Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind.
XBL Arcade and Game Room

Mass Effect 2 shifts 2 million since launch

That's 2 million. In three days. Amazing.
Having said that, the game has racked up some pretty fantastic review scores, so its not all surprising.
“Mass Effect 2 is poised to be one of the biggest games of 2010. We could not be more proud of the game’s universal acclaim and early commercial success” said BioWare boss Dr. Ray Muzyka.
Here's the blurb if your into all that PR shenanigans.
Game Earns Rave Reviews, Sells 2Million Units in Week One
Guildford, UK (January 29, 2010) – Forty perfect scores. Two million units. One pop culture phenomenon. BioWare™, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS), announced today that Mass Effect™ 2 has sold-in over two million units worldwide in its first week of release*. Lauded for its intense shooter gameplay and deep, hand-crafted story, Mass Effect 2 has earned an average review score of 96** — making it the second highest rated game of all time on the Xbox 360 platform***. Mass Effect 2 has earned 40 perfect scores, amassed over 30 editor’s choice awards and is donning the front cover of 20 magazines worldwide. On launch day, the term “Mass Effect” was in the top 10 trending topics on Twitter and most searched on Google News. said, “Mass Effect will go down as one of the most influential video game series of all-time.”
Dr. Ray Muzyka, co-founder, BioWare and Group General Manager of the RPG/MMO Group of EA said, “Mass Effect 2 is poised to be one of the biggest games of 2010. We could not be more proud of the game’s universal acclaim and early commercial success.”
Mass Effect 2 launched this week hot on the heels of BioWare’s Dragon Age: Origins, the studio’s dark fantasy RPG which shipped in fall 2009. Dragon Age: Origins has earned an average review score of 91****, making it the highest rated original intellectual property from EA in the last year. Mass Effect 2 follows in BioWare’s tradition of delivering excellence on every front: gameplay, story, character development and visuals. Mass Effect 2 is an epic shooter/RPG set in a vast universe filled with dangerous alien life and mysterious, uncharted planets. In Mass Effect 2, players step into the role of the heroic Commander Shepard, leading a crew of some of the most dangerous operatives from across the galaxy on a mission so challenging that it’s potentially suicidal. Featuring intense action, a rich storyline, space exploration and engaging character interaction, Mass Effect 2 delivers an unparalleled gaming experience.
Mass Effect 2 is available for the Xbox 360 and the PC and is 15 by the BBFC. For more information, follow the development team on Twitter at or visit the game’s official UK website at
*According to internal EA data.
**On Xbox 360 platform according to
***Mass Effect 2 is tied for second place according to
****On PC according to
Dragon Age DLC back on the Marketplace
Bioware have placed the fixed version of the DLC pack - Return to Ostagar - on the marketplace. If you already purchased the content, there's no need to download the new updated version again, as there's also been a patch put up which will automatically prompt you to download.
A list of fixes are detailed below:
Title Update Release Notes:
Some players were unable to unlock the four achievements from Warden's Keep and the Stone Prisoner during the first four days of launch. These achievements will unlock properly once you sign in to your Xbox Live and EA accounts.
The previous Xbox 360 update update introduced an issue that relocked class specializations. This title update will resolve that issue.
* After loading a previously saved game, specializations that have been unlocked through gameplay will be available again.
* All book-based specializations will now automatically unlock once the Warden reaches level 14. Books will still be available from vendors so you can unlock these specializations before level 14.
The Hopeless Romantic, Perfectionist and Recruiter achievements were not unlocking for some players. This issue has been resolved. To update and unlock these achievements automatically, load a saved game where the Warden has completed the requirements for these achievements.
* The Recruiter achievement will still require a recruitment to occur after the save is loaded. If you have completed all the requirements for Recruiter, and the achievement is still locked, load an earlier saved game where you are still able to recruit any party member. Once you have recruited a party member, the achievement should unlock. This should work even if your current saved game still has unrecruited characters, but you have recruited all of them in previous play.
BBC Worldwide talks over new Doctor Who games

Namco to publish Fallout: New Vegas in Europe

Japanese giant Namco Bandai will publish Fallout: New Vegas in Europe when it launches.
Sean Brennan, MD of ZeniMax Europe, the parent company of Fallout dev Bethesda said “We are pleased to be teaming up with Namco Bandai Partners to distribute one of our flagship titles. Fallout: New Vegas builds upon the immersive gaming experience that made Fallout 3 the 2008 Game of the Year".
Namco will publish the game in EU regions including France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and more. The UK version however, will be published by Bethesda itself, with SoCal based Obsidian Entertainment developing all versions.
New Vegas is not a direct sequel of Fallout 3, rather another story in the same world. Nothing much has been seen or heard of the game yet, but OXM UK will have an exclusive reveal of the game in its next issue.
Be sure to check back here for all the details when get them.
Netflix heading our way again, 360 launch too?

This comes from entertainment website Digital Spy which reports that the US company is planning to expand its operations globally, and is heading to the UK. But with a difference. The whole thing will be digital. No more pouches, no more deliveries. A total online streaming service from start to finish, which begs the question, would we see it on the Xbox 360? After all, our US friends have had that service for quite some time, and even though we have the Zune Marketplace, Netflix would be a valuable addition to the system.
Netflix was previously here in the early part of the last decade, but failed to take off. The CEO of Netflix Reed Hastings said of this - "The big difference is we were entering with DVDs only [then]. It's streaming only [now]. That's a big difference - no warehouses, no integration with the Royal Mail."
Even though the Xbox 360 wasn't mentioned in this, seeing as this re-launched service would be a streaming only affair, apart from your PC what other machine would be capable of providing the front end for this service? Well, its not Microwave that's for sure.
We'll keep an eye on this over the coming months.
Platinum Games announce "Vanquish"
Nope, it's not an Aston Martin, it's a new title soon to be fully unveiled. This has a whiff of certain other games, but we'll leave you to figure out what ones for yourself. For now, the trailer:
NinjaBee Games Announce A World of Keflings
Kingdom for Keflings was a suprising arcade hit and got good reviews all round, now with NinjaBee annoucing a sequel I can't help but get cheery. I hope NinjaBee have a great success with this sequel and I hope the music stays the same, I loved the music in A Kingdom for Kelfings.
Steve Taylor, President of NinjaBee:
"A World of Keflings is much more than a sequel, It's a new game with a ton of new features, including some innovative ideas that stand out from both Live Arcade and full retail games. A World of Keflings also has a new story focus, with new exotic lands, characters, quests, buildings, customization options, and a lot more."

New Borderlands DLC Screens

Video: Alien vs Predator gameplay

Some fresh video action from Alien vs Predator landed earlier, this time showing the Predator at play. The thing looks superb and is certainly causing some buzz.
The game hits Feb 19th. Now watch!
Red Dead Redemption - new trailer announced
Presenting part two in the Red Dead Redemption Gameplay Video Series: Weapons & Death - a special in-depth look at Red Dead’s shooting – including information about the advancements in weapons technology during the time period in which the game is set, as well as a look at how the “Dead-Eye” targeting system and natural motion physics work.
Assassin's Creed 2 DLC launched today
Priced at 320 MS points, that sits around £2.72 or €3.72 so is a bargain for the amount of content you get with it.
We've attached the launch trailer to wet your appetite a little more.
WTF? Battlefield Bad Company 2 surprise demo launched on Xbox Live
Surprise Reveal: Xbox 360 Battlefield Bad Company 2 MP Demo is live on Xbox Marketplace! Go get it!!!!!!!
WOW, that was a surprise. We're going to bail now and checkout the MUST PLAY multiplayer game of the year! (Well, that and AvP of course). If you're wanting in on it, queue it up here.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter HD review
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter HD shares its plot with the original release on which it's based. In ancient times, Earth was at war with Mental and Sirian forces - an alien race that left artifacts to be discovered - and in the 22nd century, Mental's forces return to Earth intent on erasing all of humankind.
As a last resort, the usage of the "Time Lock" - an historical device that is able to send someone back through time - is decided. Meet Sam 'Seriou' Stonr, the man tasked of doing the time warp to take the fight to mental forces and change history.
Your challenge is to progress through the game to search and locate the communicator in order to begin your time travel back to save all of humanity. Hordes of crazed weird beings need shooting though, so you best get to it.
Simplicity is the key to this game. You start off with a gun and must shoot the weird crazy bad guys charging at you with no heads (it's okay, it's not gruesome or anything) with a bomb in each hand. Once they've been despatched, you progress on and more, bigger baddies come. To counteract the increment in baddy size, your weaponary and arsenal grows too.
The simple gameplay requires you to get from your starting position to an artifact and ultimately to a passage way - be it through a door, temple, pyramid or underwater - to your next location.
No fancy pants objectives here, the most testing of scenarios sees you push a switch or 2 to unlock a door. That's not detremental to the experience though, as at no point does this game take itself seriously.
Bad guys range from the above listed, to replica massive walkers reminiscent of Star Wars with their lasers and such and require more fire power than smaller guys. If I were to compare this game to any other, it woul have to be a similar experience to that of Doom.
Although Doom was designed to be scary, this isn't but the back to basics you and your gun are lone wolf in this crazy ass depiction of a society scorned with a ridiculous alien race may scare the sort of people who watch Most Haunted and actually believe what's happening is 'spiritual activity.'
Standard first person controls are present, left stick move and strafe, right stick look up, down and around. One notable and great option is the ability to 'quick save' - not affiliated to the supermarket chain - by a simple tap of the Y button so if something goes wrong, no annoying checkpoints.
Shooting is satisfying, very regular and weapons are suitably ridiculous. Movement is smooth but environments do become all too familiar once you get 4-5 hours into the game. All in all, a great way to 'waste an hour on it' gameplay.
4 player online co-op comes bundled with the game, a great addition and really adds something to the experience.
Whilst getting a HD boost, this is very similar in style to reboot given to other classic titles (such as Call of Duty Classic). Graphics may indeed be 4 times more detailed (HD) but instead of recoding the game with new, 4 times more detailed skins they've racked the graphics up to 11 and have boosted the standard definition graphics to HD instead.
Whilst this is no bad thing - as it keeps loading times low, frame rates smooth and is in keeping with the original - the game is starting to show its age. Bad guys are detailed mind, especially the big ones and a lot of attention has been paid to the final boses rather than the play area, which is fair play as you're concentrating more on the guys trying to kill you more.
Animation is good, some clunky movements when the camera pans out to watch Sam progress on to the next level or to retrieve an article is present, but overall the rest is mighty decent.
A step back in time would be the best way to describe it. Banging tunes when the load on screen becomes mental with demonic hordes charging at you, and typically cheesy sounding monsters raging (over 9000 style) at you make this a welcome change to the norm.
Much like Matt Hazard that we recently featured, the lead character fancies himself as a comedian and tries his hand at voice overs at regular intervals to check you're still paying attention. Most are "facepalm" worthy, but always strike a cheeky grin on all but the humourless.
A classic title given a 2010 kick in the nutsack and all the better for it. Gameplay is mind numbingly simple, addictive and constantly increasing in difficulty. Taking the game online with a friend is a nice touch and the game is very polished.
Roll on the inevitable port of the Second Encounter, which will kick ass even more. For now though, this is one to check out for sure.
DLC "is coming" according to translation for Final Fantasy
No details on what it would contain, though. Just it would “arrive a little later in the west.”
“At first we had plans to release the game simultaneously worldwide, so we had the intention to deliver identical version between the regions. When we noticed that we wouldn’t make it, we decided to release the game as fast as possible in the west after its release in Japan,” said Kitase.
“We initially had doubts to add extra content to the western version but then it would have taken the international version more months of delay. We did prepare a DLC but it will arrive a little later in the west.”
Back at GamesCom last year, Kitase said DLC was being looked at by Square Enix. He then revealed a month before the Japanese release there would be no new content in time for the JP launch. Earlier in the month, art director Isamu Kamikokuryou revealed that there was enough content from the game to make a second game. And last night, Kitase claimed in a interview in a Japanese strategy guide for the RPG that, while it was “possible” to do DLC, they were “not considering it.”
Thanks to VG247 for the article.
ESRB Counts # Of Swear Words In Dead To Rights: Retribution

ESRB may be untrusted, liked or loathed depending on your opinion of them, but if there is one thing you have to give them its they know how to make a game sound interesting. While this rating summary isn't as good as Mass Effect 2's, which included them talking about the "unzipping of future blouse" and "Krogan sexual deviants enjoy salarian flexibility". However, Dead To Rights: Retribution is up there not for pure hilarity even though it is pretty funny that they counted how many times there's swearing in it, but because they make this game sound completely fricking awesome and actually make me want to get it now. Also you really have to wonder how determined they had to be to sit there and count every swear word you can just imagine them going "Ok 263 f**ks.... crap I lost count time to start over again".
"This is a third-person shooter in which players assume the role of Jack Slate, a renegade cop seeking revenge in the criminal underworld of Grant City. Players can complete various missions (e.g., rescuing, infiltrating, escaping), engage in fistfights and gun battles against terrorists and thugs, and use a canine side-kick (Shadow) to takedown enemies, to "dash-attack" and maul them. Combat involves a mix of hand-to-hand combat and gun shooting: Pistols, shotguns, turrets, explosives, and assault rifles are frequently used to kill human enemies; "clinch" and "disarm" moves highlight close-up punching, shooting, and kicking—sometimes in slow-motion, often ending in a pistol-whipping or pummeling, a shot to the knee-cap. And when characters take damage from gunfire or melee attacks, blood will splatter in the air, sometimes the screen. Blood also appears in large pools on the ground."
"During the course of the game, players will hear some strong profanity (around 275 f**ks, 90 or so sh*ts); players may also see a man who snorts a line of cocaine. The sexual content is minor (the reason for Suggestive Themes, not the Mature rating), but parents and consumers may still want to know—a concept image depicts a strip club named "Licensed Sex Shows," with an accompanying female silhouette; a still-frame cutscene briefly shows a pole dancer at a strip club."
"Two of the more intense depictions of violence include finishing moves called "takedowns" and Shadow's specialized attacks. Players control the dog as it pounces, bites, and digs into the chests of enemies crying out in pain—blood surfaces out of bodies like funneled dirt. And similar to the close-up clinch and disarm moves, the takedown attacks involve more dramatic, protracted instances of killing (sequences often culminating in quick-time events—watching a triggered one-to-two-second cutscene of the kill); these finishing moves depict neck-snapping, back-breaking, electrocution (from a gun, not an interrogator), shooting enemies in the back of the head while down, planting explosives on their shoulders and backs. That is why, Intense Violence at M."
Really if you didn't think that was a great description of a game then I don't know what is. Be sure to check back as Dead To Rights: Retribution comes closer to a release date.
Dragon Age DLC Returns! ( Ostagar)
In an interview with PCGZine, BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka assured readers that Return to Ostagar will return to availability sometime soon. "We have a big investment planned for Dragon Age with more DLC coming in the next week or so," Muzyka said.
When asked about the error he said - "I don't know if it was a communication error with our distribution partners or what happened there ... If they were released in order it would have been fine, but it created a bug which prevented progression, and obviously that wasn't acceptable, so we pulled it down."
PS. That title was way too easy to come up with. Challenge me!
Gears of War 3 Announcement Imminent?

Assassin's Creed 2 - Battle of Forli DLC trailer

ACII DLC doesn't include Achievements - gaming world collapses

That's right. Or Trophies either for our PS3 friends.
Ubisoft has told, that the upcoming DLC 'Battle of Flori' will not include any trophies when it ships.
Furthermore, VG247 has learned that the 360 version won't include any achievement love either.
What!? I hear you scream.
We're not sure why they aren't included, but looking at the very low price, for a decent amount of extra game play, its not that surprising.
We play games for the thrill and excitement though anyway right? ;)
The DLC ships tomorrow.
Halo: Reach pushing Xbox 360 "as far as we can go"

Bungie recently stated to Edge Online that its upcoming title Halo: Reach the prequel to the halo trilogy is "bending the Xbox as far as it'll bend".
"We are... taking every advantage of everything on the CPU and GPU and every bit of memory in order to produce the look of Reach beyond anything of Halo 3," said creative director Marcus Lehto.
"We're pushing it as far as we can go. With every iteration we understand what more we can exploit with the hardware."
Bungie didn't stop there however they even went so far as to say that they have made huge improvements to the AI, increasing replayibility without it needing to be scripted.
"The difference between the fully scripted experience, like Uncharted, or the organic experience you can receive in a Halo game speaks to its longevity," divulged Lehto. "You can keep playing singleplayer missions over and over again and get a different experience. And it's certainly the case for multiplayer, which plays for years and years."
We will have to wait and see if it can live up to these bold claims, but if anybody could do it, it would be Bungie.
Criterion to show off new Need for Speed today

Well, not to us anyway. The new game will be shown at an internal EA Meeting later today.
The studio tweeted:
NFS will be shown for the first time today at internal Electronic Arts meeting! Let's put the pedal to the metal and hit it....!
We're not sure how far the game is progressing, but we hope that Criterion's efforts come off better than previous NFS games, which have slipped over the years.
The studio also announced recently there would be no more DLC for Burnout Paradise, the studio's previous title, which pretty much shows that Criterion is moving full steam ahead with NFS.
Naughty Bear Boxart Confirmed

While I wouldn't normally report on any games box art this isn't any game this is Naughty Bear.
Naughty Bear is an upcoming game from 505 studios and focuses on Naughty Bear after he wasn't invited to Daddles birthday party, he soon goes on the warpath seeking revenge and if the first two trailers are anything to go by, expect stuffing to be flying everywhere. Expect Teddy Bears picnic mixed with Friday the 13th. The trailers also informed us that we can expect some form of gun play as Naughty Bear is clearly seen wielding a shotgun in the second trailer to hunt down one of the teddy bears.
Although no release date has been confirmed yet expect a 2010 release. This is one game I am definitely looking forward to, expect more details and hopefully tons more stuffing filled trailers as we draw closer to a potential release date.
Harmonix Not Working On Green Day: Rock Band

If this blog post hold any truth, then Harmonix isn't working on the Green Day : Rock band.
Instead it looks like dev duties has fallen to Demiurge Studios who are the developoers of the retail released track packs for Rock band.
An employee at Demiurge Studios, Adam Rosenfield posted the some what unsurprising news on his blog,
“Not included in the announcement was the fact that Demiurge Studios was working on Green Day: Rock Band. And I gotta say, it’s pretty freakin’ awesome working on it. I’d love to tell you more, but NDAs, yada yada yada, so I can’t say much else.”
The reason this is unsurprising is that it agrees with what MTV Game SVP, Paul De Goyer said last week, when he said that Harmonix were working on another game besides the Green Day themed title, but never specifically stated that Harmonix wouldn't be developing it.
This has fueled speculation that Harmonix are working on Rock Band 3, keep checking back at Game Attic as we get more info on both of these potential titles.
Potential Sequel To Battlefield 1943?

DICE has revealed to OXM magazine that the studio is thinking about doing a potential sequel to the hit Xbox Live Arcade and PSN title Battlefield 1943.
We will see more of those in the future? We’ll see,” said Executive Producer on the Battlefield series, Karl-Magnus Troedsson.
“As a franchise, we’re going to focus on the near future but that doesn’t exclude that we can do more of these smaller products in the near future.”
He also confirmed that we can expect premium DLC for the game, no indication of a timeframe was given but with it potentially being linked to he launch of the PC version of the game later this year.
Check back here as DICE releases more news on a potential sequel and on the DLC, also be sure to check out Game Attics review of Battlefield 1943 here.
EA Announces FIFA World Cup 10

Yes sports fan's, its that time again. Every four years the best of the world's football graces our TV screens for one whole glorious month. And usually, we get a game out of it too! And we have.
FIFA World Cup 10 is heading our way in April, which gives you plenty of time to quench your World Cup thirst ahead of June's tournament.
The game was announced last night on FIFA's Facebook page, but soon after, EA gave an exclusive look to GameSpot. The gist of it is:
- A gorgeous new pitch: Our pitch simply wasn't good enough, so we've made it look superb.
- Lighting of the players and environment: Clever changes to the lighting makes everything look more realistic.
- Camera flashes: You'll see all the fans in the crowd using their cameras.
- Seat cards: Fans hold up cards to form national flags and emblems in a show of patriotism.
- Fans: Close-up shots on supporters cheering on their team or despairing in anguish.
- Confetti rains down from the sky in the team colors and stays on the pitch all game.
- Streamers create a carnival atmosphere as they glide to the ground.
- Populated benches: Characters sit on the benches rather than being empty.
- Broadcast graphics: The same captions you've seen in FIFA tournament broadcasts.
- Close-up celebration camera: To really feel the goal-scoring moment, the camera zooms in close to the player as he responds to your celebration commands.
- New players and managers: More content for star heads and many of the team managers.[England national team manager Fabio] Capello looks brilliant, and [notoriously tall English footballer] Peter Crouch no longer looks like a naughty elf.
You can check out the full Q&A on Gamespot.
The game ships April 27th on all Platforms, naughty elf's included.
Battlefield 1943 Review
We take a look back at one of the best Xbox Live arcade games available and one of the biggest launches of 2009 to remind you of just why we love it so very dearly.

Standard first person controls exist, simplified and perfected for the title and maps are large (although not extensively) and mostly varied. Vehicles make an appearance in the game, be they jeeps for transporting other squad mates quickly to other objectives, tanks for sheer fire power, transport boats for... transporting and planes for dog fights and bombing runs.
There was also upon release a race between Xbox 360 gamers and PS3 where a race to get the most kills first unlocked a special map exclusively for dogfighting. Xbox 360 won the race and unlocked the map "Coral Sea" quite a while before it surfaced on the PS3. Whilst not my particular cup of tea (always finishing negative score for committing a fiery suicide) it offers some different gameplay to the norm.
Battlegrounds are very varied and intense, as some people prefer to avoid the action and grab the enemies objectives, some prefer to camp around for the regular air strikes from the tower, some prefer sniping, some prefer tanking it up and taking the bases by force and others, well they like a general mix of everything.
You and up to 3 others are placed in a squad, accolades and ranks increase depending on how you do individually and as a squad together. When spawning, you can choose one of three classes, each of which comes customised for your play style varying primary weapons (machine gun, rifle, sniper rifle) and big fire power (rpg and grenade launchers).
Keeping everything clean, simple and basic and introducing subtle ranking and scoring systems without resorting to rewarding the hardcore gamers with higher powered arsenals is something that the current generation of online first person shooters are lacking. The back to basics approach used here is far in a way the game's leading attribute and will keep you coming back in bursts for more.
DICE have done admirably in creating a believable, detailed, rich and vibrant battlefield in which you can unleash you menace and fury on your opponent. Grassy vergers are detailed with varying levels of depth and height to the grass. I know I've just described grass there, but it's a good indication to the level of detail that's been achieved if they've had enough time to perfect that stuff.
For a Live Arcade title and for being such a small download size, it's a detailed and rarely bland or repetitive affair. Some graphical glitches are present, where backgrounds disappear, lag out, flash black white and reappear when on the brow of a hill. They're infrequent and don't distort or distract from the general feel of the game, but they are disappointing and annoying to say the least.
Baring in mind the origins of this game are on PC and the port to Live must have hampered the file sizing and priority in development must've shifted away from creating high quality audio effects, the audio score is still pretty pants.
The standard Battlefield theme tune is present - that grating 15second loop of music that grates and ingrains itself into your black matter and replays when you're just trying to dose off to sleep - as well as some pretty weak "grenade!" and rare voice overs are infrequent and of poor quality but perhaps I'm being too harsh.
There also appears to be a standard delay when firing weapons for the standard 'bang' to be triggered. That my be an issue solely with my setup but it's still confusing.
As this game is solely multiplayer, this is probably the most important factor. Luckily, it's good enough to warrant a purchase for multiplayer alone. In fact, it's better than good, it's really rather excellent.
Reason for that opinion is the simple back to basics and totally variable way you can play the game as described earlier in the review. If you simply must brag about your kill/death ratio, stick to sniping and camping and feel good about yourself, if you're a score hound go and capture the bases and if you just like staying out of trouble, fly around a bit and parachute into a quiet zone.
Any way you choose to play, it's always fun. Messing around is where the best games are found and roping in a few friends for a private match further enhances the gaming experience.
An excellent multiplayer experience, not only for Xbox Arcade standards, but for Xbox all together. Grab it now for a taste of what's to come with Battlefield Bad Company 2 and enjoy one of the most enjoyable first person shooter experiences on Xbox Live.
XBL Release Schedule

Fable III to be shown at X10

"We hinted at this a couple of weeks ago but today it's official, a big Xbox event called X10 will take place in San Frasisco next month showing all the upcoming Xbox games! Of course Lionhead is excited about showing the latest of Fable III, but we're also very much looking forward to all other games and announcements..."
Fable III is said to feature Natal, the upcoming motion device for the 360 which ships this winter. Whether the showing at X10 will include any Natal game play, is unknown, but its not beyond the realms of possibility.
X10 is the first event Microsoft has held since X06 back in 2006, so we'll be waiting to see what other goodies the show brings.
Supreme Commander 2 dated for Europe

Square Enix has dated Supreme Comander 2 for Europe. It’ll be released on the 5th of March for PC and on the 19th of March for Xbox 360.
“We’re thrilled to be working with Gas Powered Games to release a game that really pushes the genre’s gameplay and storyline expectations to a new level”, said Larry Sparks, Vice President of Marketing.
BAFTA Game Awards

It's been announced today that Dara O'Briain will host the 2010 Bafta Game Awards on Friday 19th March 2010.
Comedian and avid gamer Dara O’Briain, is set to host the 2010 GAME
British Academy Video Games Awards for the second time.
Arguably the most successful Irish comedian to have hit the UK for a
decade, Dara has hosted and appeared on a number of TV shows, and toured
extensively across England and Ireland. He has currently just commenced his 2010
UK tour.
O’Briain who is a lifelong gamer said, “I am delighted to have been
asked back to host the GAME BAFTA’s for the second year running. It’s an honour
to acclaim the very real people whose creativity, innovation and wit produce
such amazing virtual worlds”.
Ray Maguire, Chairman of the Video Games Committee said “It is
fantastic to have Dara hosting again this year. It makes a huge difference when
a host understands games & Dara does, he is also brilliantly
The GAME British Academy Video Games Awards will take place on
Friday, March 19 at the London Hilton on Park Lane, with the nominations being
announced on Tuesday 16 February. The awards will be streamed live for the first
time at and
Once the list of nominees has been announced, you can find them here.
Lost Planet 2 gets worldwide release date

No one knew when it would be out and it looked like it could have been Christmas 10' but not anymore.
May 18th, pick up Lost Planet 2! Note, this is out on a Tuesday not Friday so no late night that night.
Halo:Wars and Dead Rising now on Games on Demand
Major Nelson has now confirmed that Halo Wars and Dead Rising are now available on LIVE via Games on Demand.

Halo Wars is only available in Asia, Canada and US

Dead Rising is not available in Germany, Japan, Korea or India
Microsoft Face Lawsuit Over Virtual Currency

If you've ever bought anything off Xbox Live then you have had to first purchase Microsoft Points, a virtual currency that the XBL Marketplace is built on. You have also found it annoying how you always have points left over, but never enough to actually buy anything.
Samuel Lassoff an attorney from Philadelphia also found this annoying, so annoying in fact he decided to file a lawsuit against Microsoft. His arguement is that this currency system exists to "unjustly enrich" Microsoft. Microft have already been put under pressure to do away with this system, as it is extremely unpopular. And, after the success of the 'On Demand' service, which uses real currency, they are looking to expand this into other areas.
Darksiders patch to hit tomorrow.
An error in game which causes screen tearing will be remedied tomorrow morning (10am GMT) via an Xbox Live update. Simply whack the game in and accept and wave bye bye's to annoying glitches.