If your sitting at home right now, wondering what goodies are being released over the next couple of weeks on the Marketplace, this is the list for you.
Deal of the Week:
Feb 2nd: Splosion Man 400 points
XBL Games in Demand:
Feb 2nd: Medal of Honour: Airbourne
XBL Arcade:
Jan 27th: KrissX- 800 points
Feb 3rd: Chime- 400 points
Xbox Avatar Marketplace:
Jan 28th: Assassin's Creed
Feb 4th: Valentine's Day and Carnival Collections
Game Add-ons:
Jan 27th: Pinball FX Excalibur Table- 240 points
Jan 28th: Assassin's Creed 2: Battle of Forli- 320 points
Feb 2nd: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack 2- 800 points
Some cool stuff there, but nothing really to get too excited about apart from the AC2 DLC.
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