If this blog post hold any truth, then Harmonix isn't working on the Green Day : Rock band.
Instead it looks like dev duties has fallen to Demiurge Studios who are the developoers of the retail released track packs for Rock band.
An employee at Demiurge Studios, Adam Rosenfield posted the some what unsurprising news on his blog,
“Not included in the announcement was the fact that Demiurge Studios was working on Green Day: Rock Band. And I gotta say, it’s pretty freakin’ awesome working on it. I’d love to tell you more, but NDAs, yada yada yada, so I can’t say much else.”
The reason this is unsurprising is that it agrees with what MTV Game SVP, Paul De Goyer said last week, when he said that Harmonix were working on another game besides the Green Day themed title, but never specifically stated that Harmonix wouldn't be developing it.
This has fueled speculation that Harmonix are working on Rock Band 3, keep checking back at Game Attic as we get more info on both of these potential titles.
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