Bungie recently stated to Edge Online that its upcoming title Halo: Reach the prequel to the halo trilogy is "bending the Xbox as far as it'll bend".
"We are... taking every advantage of everything on the CPU and GPU and every bit of memory in order to produce the look of Reach beyond anything of Halo 3," said creative director Marcus Lehto.
"We're pushing it as far as we can go. With every iteration we understand what more we can exploit with the hardware."
Bungie didn't stop there however they even went so far as to say that they have made huge improvements to the AI, increasing replayibility without it needing to be scripted.
"The difference between the fully scripted experience, like Uncharted, or the organic experience you can receive in a Halo game speaks to its longevity," divulged Lehto. "You can keep playing singleplayer missions over and over again and get a different experience. And it's certainly the case for multiplayer, which plays for years and years."
We will have to wait and see if it can live up to these bold claims, but if anybody could do it, it would be Bungie.
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