Landit Bandit Review

You can tell a mile away when a team of developers have a love for gaming. It’s clear that Sweden-based developers Bearded Lady Consulting have put a great deal of love into their latest effort; Landit Bandit.

The game is a slice of classic arcade goodness. Taking homage from games like Crazy Taxi and Lunar Lander. It’s simple yet incredibly fun. A fresh break from all the ‘hardcore games’ saturating the market. It’s a well priced and well polished title. A rarity these days.

You’re tasked with flying a home-made helicopter around various island paradises performing tasks along the way. Like ferrying people to a bar whilst keeping the rum flowing by picking up barrels. All the while avoiding environmental threats like jumping sharks and rising water levels. It’s standard arcade stuff; but you love it really.

Keeping with the arcade theme, there is of course, the staple power-ups. Dotted around the levels are vials that add to your boost and cogs that let you instantly repair your damaged chopper. Also, different characters act as add-ons, each having different powers. One has the ability to grapple metal loops to gain speed and another can summon ballast bags which instantly force the chopper down. For an arcade title there’s an insane amount of diversity. That diversity isn’t limited to gameplay as each level has a unique twist. There’s a level with ice where you slip and slide about making it harder to control the chopper. I especially liked the level which is wholly 2D, playing like a side-scroller. This uniqueness is a sure sign of a well developed game.

It’s bright and vivid, the setting is extremely beautiful. From half sunken ships to mountains, there’s plenty of set-pieces to keep the originality going. Each level is also quite different, island peninsulas and mountain cities all keep the flow going. You won’t get bored. The characters and story are also very well thought out. There’s a beautiful island babe, a bearded explorer even a gangster penguin. The story is whacky and to be honest is secondary to the arcade gameplay.

Multiplayer aspects of the game include a ‘Duel’ mode where you square off against another opponent and single player leaderboards. It doesn’t really add anything, then again; it isn’t detrimental. It’s nice to see what scores other people get, but that’s about it.

A big let down was the lack of cut scenes, what semblance of story there is, is told through a comic strip. Whilst the animation is top class. A few cut scenes wouldn’t go a miss. Especially when the game is this good looking. Another small factor is the tricky controls, the helicopter is somewhat hard to control, it’s only really noticeable in the tighter spaces, but it will annoy you. More so in the challenges when you’re timed. However, these a are two bitter drops in an ocean of great content. It will not hinder your enjoyment so much that you’re put off the game.

If you’re a fan of classic arcade action then I highly recommend this game. It’s such a well-rounded title, perfectly formed so that you’re hooked. A small title which packs a powerful punch, by all means buy it.


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