Sony confirms gamescon press conference for Aug 17

Mark your calanders or put the date in that fluffy pink diary of yours - you know, the one with the lock.

Sony have confirmed their press conference at this years Gamescon event in Cologne, will be held on August 17, which smacks on a Tuesday.

The event kicks off at 6pm CET, that's 5pm British.

They've also announced the first bunch of games which will be at the Germany show, presumably in playable form on the show floor:

  • Killzone 3
  • Gran Turismo 5
  • inFamous 2
  • LittleBigPlanet 2
  • DC Universe Online
  • Journey
  • Motorstorm: Apocalypse
  • Sorcery
So get your guesswork in now as to what Sony may or may not announce at the presser. PSP 2? Some news on Agent? PlayStation Network stuff? Personally I'm going for all of those, plus time travel device. Remember it was at the 2009 event that Sony unveiled the much anticipated slimmer PS3, so its always one to watch out for.

So far there's no word if Microsoft will also make a significant appearence at the show, but it has been confirmed that Fat Face have totally run out of LED equipped Poncho's, so its a possibility.


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