Sony announce mega huge Eurogamer line-up

Going to the Eurogamer Expo in October? Then Sony has something to wet your appetite when you get there. This morning, EG has announced Sony's line up for the expo, including playable demos of the big hitters such as Killzone 3, inFamous 2, and Gran Turismo 5.

As well as that, SOCOM 4, LittleBigPlanet 2 and MotorStorm Apocalypse will also be there for you to get a hold of.

Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3 and MotorStorm Apocalypse will all be available in 3D. But don't worry, you won't look silly in the glasses. Everyone will be wearing them.

In addition, PlayStation Move will make a big appearance too, with playable versions of The Shoot, The Fight, Sports Champions and Heavy Rain - all using the upcoming motion tech. There will also be three first party developer sessions during the expo, - Guerrilla Games on Killzone 3, Media Molecule on LittleBigPlanet 2 and Evolution Studios on Motorstorm Apocalypse.

Very nice indeed. More here. The show runs from October 1-3 at Earls Court in London.


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