Killzone 3 revealed, - Jetpacks, 3D and a Naughty Dog

Interesting combo, eh?

The latest issue of Gamepro has a blowout article on Killzone 3, even before its been officially announced by Sony.

Some of the features of the game are said to include Jetpacks, stereoscopic 3D support, an upgrade to the destructible environments from Killzone 2, - this time the game is set to feature "total destruction",  rather than just in certain areas. There is also a beasty sounding new weapon called 'The Wasp'.

But one of the main things that is sure to please Killzone and PS3 fan's alike, is the fact that Uncharted creator's Naughty Dog are said to have helped out on the graphics engine. Take a look at what Uncharted 2 looks like, and what Killzone 2 already looked like, and you'll see why this is a good thing.

More detail comes from the Gamespot forums, relating to the article:

  • Will show the Helghast have humanity left in them
  • Will have the feeling that “of being in a place far away from home, outnumbered by people who want to kill you.”
  • Will be like Inglorious Basterds.
  • All of the characters in the screenshots are flying in.. jetpacks?!
  • Will include arctic levels.
  • One mission in the game involves rescuing ISA Captain Narville.
  • Game is playable in 3D
  • Have to wear 3D glasses, apparently the 3D effects are “crazy.”
  • Combat is “unchanged from predecessor.”
  • Or is it? Hand to hand combat involves you “Unloading a string of different (and often brutal) attacks on stunned enemies.”
  • The scale is supposed to be “bigger this time.”
  • The Jetpacks are “surprisingly lightweight and agile, Killzone 3’s jetpack is easier to maneuver compared to the sluggish incarnations of the gadget found in other games.”
  • New weapon called the Wasp, basically shoots a “flurry of rockets” at an enemy.
  • Will show off the Helghast culture.
  • There is actually a Helghast language, which will be explored in the game.
  • Will have “diverse locales.”
  • Have to sit in the center of the 3D tv for the 3D effects to work.
  • 3D in this game is called a “Game Changer.”
  • Going to have “Intense Action”
  • Jetpacks double as a weapon, which basically means a machine gun mounted right on top of it.
  • If you shoot Helghast with jetpacks, they’ll “explode like roman candles”
  • To control the jetpack, you “have to activate bursts of speed in midair, propelling yourself across further distances.”
  • The Jetpack resembles something you’d do in platformers such as Super Mario Bros. Or Uncharted
  • In one mission, you have to use the jetpack by “launching yourself from glacier to glacier”
    You’ll see “a lot of” snow levels.
  • Everything is more spread out in this game.
  • The game looks very complete.
It was revealed in March that Killzone 3 was in development with SCEA boss Jack Tretton promising to bring out the big guns at E3, namely including Killzone 3. But as yet, Sony nor developers Guerrilla have officially announced the game.

To E3, and don't spare the horses!


Marty said...

What? Why the hell are Sony giving away their big titles before E3? Is it to make more room in their announcements for dick swinging, number crunching, statistics and self smugness like in previous shows? Or is it just going to be 1 and a half hours of PSP2?

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