Joe Danger gets dated

The US PlayStation Blog has confirmed that Joe Danger will be hitting PSN in the US on June 8, but with a European release shortly after.

The extremely fun looking biker title from Hello Games is all about 'Stunt, Create and Share', with a similar looking vibe to Trials HD mixed in with the creation aspect of LittleBigPlanet and ModNation Racers.

It took the team of only four nearly 2 years to complete Joe Danger, and will retail on the US Store for $14.99, somewhere around the £12 mark in the UK. Hello said they want to keep the US and EU dates as close as they can.

Check out the official trailer below, and some other goodness after that.

Söldner X 2: Final Prototype Review

Söldner X 2: Final Prototype is pretty much your basic ‘shmup,’ a shmup being a 2D side scrolling shooter.

Saying that it does bring more to the table than similar titles out there now. Not a lot though. Typically being a genre that features some of the hardest games out there, like Ikaruga, Söldner has dampened the difficulty down somewhat by giving you a generous amount of health. It doesn’t sound much, but at least you don’t have to be a ‘pro’ to enjoy this game.

It’s a standard game with standard controls and you’ll mostly be shooting and moving, in massive amounts; with a few special attacks thrown in. Although it’s pleasing to the savage inside me killing thousands of enemies; there isn‘t a massive amount of diversity in those enemies. The bosses however are fun and massive, there’s a lot to be said for destroying massive robots with crazy flashing lasers, and this game says it all.

Söldner has a great deal of re-playability, admittedly it will get boring, but not until after you’ve played for a great deal of hours. There’s seven stages and plenty of challenges. There’s some semblance of story, something about a virus or some such. I guarantee you won’t be playing for the story, just the old school arcade action.

The graphics are pretty, featuring dazzling lights and quirky enemies. They are surprisingly impressive, they kept me transfixed on the screen while a crazy light show went back and forth.

The game however is quite expensive, at £9.99 there are far better games available on the PSN, if you care about high scores and leader boards, and are a veteran of the arcade era then you will definitely enjoy this.

PS3 3D firmware drops June 10 in Japan

Sony has announced the PS3's next firmware update - the one that puts the 3D lead in your PS3's pencil, will release on June 10 in Japan.

The first games to get 3D support will be Wipeout HD, Super Stardust HD and Pain - with MotorStorm: Pacific Rift also getting the 3D treatment, but only in demo form for now and only included for customers buying new Sony Bravia 3D TV's when they ship this summer.

Sony also said an update for 3DBD will be added by the end of the year too, meaning playback of 3D Blu-ray disc's on PS3.

So how about an American or EU release? Well Sony have told Kotaku that the June 10th date is for Japan, and other dates will come shortly. We'll keep you posted.

Thanks, Andriasang

Gamestation Changes Trade-In Policy

Gamestation has now started a new trade-in scheme, that gives customers a chance to buy back their traded in games.

It's much more like a pawnbrokers as you can now go and trade a game in, and they now give you 28 days to buy them back again before they sell them on.

It's a good idea as it means customers can trade in games for any impulse purchases they may want to make and then give them a chance to buy their games back again if they want to.  Whether it will take off or not no-one really knows, one thing is for sure though, if it does take off more and more retailers are more than likely to follow the move.

Atari dates Test Drive Unlimited 2

According to the official Atari website, Test Drive Unlimited 2 will be released in Europe on 24th September. The North American date has already been confirmed as 21st September.

The website also mentions that those who pre-order the game through will gain an exclusive 370z coupe. With a yellow exterior and an interior lined with leather and suede, the car has an engine that can manage 331HP at 7000RPM.

OPM Portugal teases inFamous 2

OPM Portugal is teasing a sneak preview of inFamous 2 in it's next issue, it has been revealed.

The excerpt shown above - which appears to be of protagonist Cole McGrath's eyes - states: "The announcement of a great PlayStation 3 exclusive in the next ROPS!"

With Sony having registered a domain name for the sequel back in April, and rumours hinting that voice actors are auditioning for roles, I can't say I'm suprised.

Knight's Contract screenshots

Namco Bandai has released a new batch of screenshots of it's upcoming fantasy horror. Check them out below.

Having been revealed in Japanese magazine Famitsu last week, the game was formally announced a few days ago. It's due out in 2011 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Alan Wake Review

Alan Wake has been 6 years from original unveiling to launch. A game with the heritage and weight of Remedy's previous hits (such as the phenomenal Max Payne series) to carry on its shoulders, could this be the killer exclusive app that Microsoft desparately needed in order to lure over gamer's from their Sony black box?


First and foremost, this story is unlike any other on the Xbox 360. Featuring that same distinctive and warped/crazy quality Remedy are notorious for, the way the entire game has been scripted (from the character's [lead and minor roles] all the way to the settings) have been mastered to such a high level you can't help but admire Remedy's work.

In essence, you play as Mr Alan Wake. Famous, esteemed and well sort after published author, and on the back of his most recent and biggest selling book to date. You and your wife (Alice) decide on a romantic retreat away from it all at Bright Falls, to escape the PR, the strict schedule and to attempt to cure Alan's progressively degrading hangovers.

Without spoiling the deep complexities and intertwining story-lines surrounding each character that you meet in Bright Falls, you find out there is something odd going on. A darkness, using the face of a local resident to manipulate, control and strike fear into its environment. It's your job - after Alice has been 'captured' - to rescue her.

Now, you're reading that thinking "yeah, yeah. Princess Peach and Mario anybody?" but this game is so much more complex than that and to further delve into the story will only detract from your experience for yourself.


The use of light in this game is paramount to the core gameplay elements. There is something about the 'dark' that manages to control your foes, be they of human form or poltergeist manipulating projectiles surrounding you. To counteract this, you are equipped with a torch (or, in American-ish a "flashlight") used to startle the human forms in order for the easy take-down kills or to rid the 'blackness' and remove the power possessing the projectiles being hurled in your direction.

Alongside the more basic lighting equipment - in order to defeat several enemies - flashbangs are here and are more powerful than in any game I can recall. One blast will rid a whole horde of enemies in an instant. Flares are used to give you breathing space and time to reload, collect your thoughts and allow your health bar to slowly regenerate and throughout the game there are floodlights - often requiring the activation of a fuel generator to get them going, by means of a short quick time event - and these act as rest points, ammo refill points and checkpoints (that's a lot of pointing).

These can often determine which tactic to use when fighting a mass swarm of enemies; you can choose to unleash a torrent of gun fire on the weapon toting mad men, or simply make a break for it and dart towards the light where, of course, the enemies can't follow. Alan is no Linford Christie though, and quite often a barrage of axes will be thrust upon him as he wheezes and pants his way to safety.

Obviously, torches and flashbangs and a few streetlights are all good but a bit lacking in credentials. So, the maker's have decided to arm you with a revolver (which is nice) and a few hunting rifles and shotguns (including pump action) for your arduous journey. Weapon refill points are regular, but try and aim for the head and time it well to conserve your ammunition and your flashlights, as there's only so many Lithium Energizer batteries around.

The game plays out like a standard survival horror come adventure game mix, very akin to Max Payne but with the balance of survival horror and action orientated gaming is tipping slightly towards the horror element. There's some puzzles dotted around, they're infrequent and welcome breaks amongst the exploration of dark woods, creepy deserted town centres and sheer cliff faces and are simple to understand what is going on with suggestions being made out loud by Mr Wake himself if you begin to struggle.

There are a couple of minor niggles that I found, these are regarding the puzzle elements whereby accurate and slow manouvering of Alan is crucial. A perfectly timed jump, for instance, is very hard to pull off with the way Alan reacts to your input on the analogue stick, with him jarring forward or completely missing the jump you swear you just timed to perfection. Other bug bares are the 'dive out the way at last minute' by hitting the left bumper button; it's great if you pull it off just in time, as you're often greeted with a bullet time/slow motion action shot of some crazed mentalist just scraping the coat of alan with an axe, but other times when you press it, the game denies you of this and Alan takes one for the team and gets brutally battered.

On the whole however, the balance of flashing some one (with the torch, obviously) then firing your pistol or whatever combination you happen to be using is extremely satisfying, very intuitive and highly rewarding. Driving elements between distant locations, cart's that wouldn't be out of place on set at the latest Indiana Jones film and mazes to find your way around all add to the constantly evolving story and plotlines as your journey sees you from pillar to post at Bright Falls.


Predominantly set in the dark, the vivid lighting from the moon glowing behind the dense forrest with towering mountainous backgrounds all adds to the tremendous feeling of being engulfed in this massive, idyllic haven. The use of a halo-like state for lit areas, whether these be from car headlights, street lamps or inside buildings make these feel genuinely upliflting and a welcome and necessary relaxation for a moment as your demonic pursuers make off into the shrubbery to escape the light.

Everything has a really highly detailed and polished feel to it. The water effects from the start of the game and the daytime settings scattered throughout reveal a completely different town, with a genuinely friendly, upbeat and welcoming ambience, a feeling so distant to the oppressiveness from when the sun goes down.

Just a shame the guys in charge of the lip-synching didn't spend a little more time in those 6 years sorting the mouths to move properly, instead of leaving poor Alan Wake in a constantly surprised dramatic squirrel like pose. All in all, the game is a graphical triumph. It's very rare to see such a beautiful, awe inspiring game from the smallest object (such as fully functioning televisions) all the way to the tallest mountains sharing the same amount of attention and detail.

Music (Soundtrack/score)

I usually describe this part of the review as "sound" but that description just doesn't do the score in this game justice. The ever developing backdrop score from where enemies spawn behind you and go "BOOO" in a slow motion action-panning camera view, where the music builds with the tension and the action, as your feet pound the ground on your way up towards the safety and sanctuary of a generator, constantly glancing backwards to startle your 'tails' chasing you down really is heart thumping.

It's a unique score, after each of the chapters - as a sort of chillout zone - you are rewarded with a custom tune written and sung especially to compliment the game which is a genuinely nice touch. It's the small things like this, that really bridge the gap between games, books and films to a revolutionary result. I honestly believe that the way in which sound, voice overs and music in this game has been mastered, will become the standard to achieve for all other single player titles to come.


This game is a triumph. The story, gameplay, audio work, voice acting, character portrayal, presentation all feel somehow believably real, as if watching a genuinely gripping and well acted film. You actually care about your character, interested in what happens next, and ultimately what happens in the end. From start to finish (around 6-8 hours), you'll be gripped, stunned and wanting for more. A must have for every 360 owner.

Sony's PSPgo deal - get 10 free games

Thought about upgrading your old PSP to a PSPgo but didn't like the idea of no UMD drive and/or the price? Or are you a total PSP newbie and want to dip your feet in the salty, warm PSP water? Well now there is one hell of an incentive.

To bolster up sales of their latest handheld, Sony are giving away 10 free games to anyone who purchased a PSPgo on or after April 1st this year. So, if you grab a new one now, register it, and you'll be able to download 10 free titles over PSN, straight to the Go.

Full details aren't available just yet, but the games are:

  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
  • Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines
  • FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa
  • Motorstorm: Arctic Edge
  • Wipeout Pure
  • Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice
  • Gran Turismo
  • Need for Speed: Shift
  • Unknown title
I'm personally quite tempted myself, but there is of course that rumor of PSP2 round the corner, which may hamper this deal for Sony. Not bad  if you want to jump into the world of PSP, though.

Killzone 3 screens, impressions and dev interview

Killzone 3 is officially heading to a PlayStation 3 near you, and to celebrate, we have some rather fantastic looking screenshots of said game, and a short interview with Guerrilla Games from the guys over on the PlayStation Blog.

First impressions of the game are good. The guys at Kotaku have a particularly good piece on the game which you can check out here. The visuals are a big improvement from the previous game, jetpacks feel very easy to use and control, and although the stereoscopic 3D can apparently get in the way of the play at times, it looks good and fits the atmosphere of the game.

Also, Guerrilla Games’ senior producer Steven Ter Heide has given a short interview about everything Killzone 3, which you can check out below. Below that, are the screens which look pretty decent indeed.

And yes, sorry guys but Rico is still in the game.

Project Natal to be named 'Wave'?

Get ready to wave (hardy har har) goodbye to Project Natal at E3.

NowGamer is reporting that Microsoft will officially name their upcoming motion device, Project Natal as Wave at E3 next month.
A source close to Microsoft told the site the announcement will be made at the motion tech’s special pre-E3 event on Sunday, June 13.
 Project Natal, or just Natal has been the codename of the device since it was unveiled 11 months ago, but was never going to be the final RTM name. 
Other rumors about the device of late have been mumblings about the price. It was revealed last night the device will retail at $149, just over £100, according to inside sources.

So will you be Moving or Waving? Anything's betting than Wii-ing, I guess.

Virgin Gaming - no, not the people, the company

Yes, Richard Branston, no wait that's a pickle isn't it, the other one Branson, is looking to get his fingers back in gaming pie sector again after dipping his feet and cheesy grin all over the world's other markets. There's only 2 things left I can think of that don't brand 'Virgin' yet: currency and oil.

Anyway, that's irrelevant, you can follow the countdown timer on the new official website, where we think there may be some announcements or something coming out soon.

Arkham Asylum 2 to be Joker’s last appearance

Joker actor Mark Hamill has revealed Arkham Asylum 2 will the jokers last appearance.

When he spoke to IGN however, Hamill wouldn’t say if Joker would end up in the morgue or not.

“This will be my last, there’s no question about that. But it’s the last hurrah,” Hamill told the site.

There has been speculation as to who will be included into the game, though: Robin, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze and more.

Warner confirmed the title for a 2010 ship, so lets hope for some more juicy news at E3!

Uncharted PSP heading this way?

Uncharted developer Naughty Dog is developing a PSP title, according to a CV.

The LinkedIn profile of a former Naughty Dog employee states he worked on a TBA 'Action Game' for the PSP. He is now no longer at the company, but the game is still apparently in the works.

So why do we think it could be an Uncharted game? Well it's been known for sometime Naughty Dog would happily do a PSP game if they couldn't find a partner to develop it. And Uncharted being the massive success it is, it wouldn't be surprising to see a portable version at some point.

What binds this together though, is that rumor of the 'PSP2' around the corner. Such a big game like Uncharted would be a huge launch title for a new portable. Perhaps development has shifted to the rumored device? Of course we could be totally wrong, but it does make sense when you think about.

E3 can't come quick enough.

Ta, GameGuru

PlayStation Home to leave 'Beta' stage this December

After 2 years of entering beta, the man-witching socialised Habbo Hotel PlayStation social space 'Home' is set to step out of its Beta shoes.

In a conversation with Kirk Ewing from Veemee (makers of some of the Home spaces) at Game in Scotland last week, he stated:

Home is due to come out of its beta-testing phase in December of this year. Most people think that Home is shit. I’m here to say that it’s not, one in three PS3 owners use Home. There are 1.7 million repeat users each using Home for around 53 minutes on average
What does this mean? Will the service become part of what we expect Sony to announce at E3 with its premium subscription plan, or will it continue to be available to all?

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days "Cops and Robbers" revealed

The mode is simple: robbers get 4 minutes to extract 4million dollars; cops have to stop them. 12 player carnage ensues as death reins down on wherever the robbery happens to occur, feel free to follow the break and witness the carnage for yourself:

HAWX 2 information and screens revealed

The official Ubisoft forums have given us a glimpse of what the next HAWX game is scheduled to look like, in a stunning array of screen grabs. Also included was a sizeable description of what you can expect the game to be like. Follow the break for more:

Use all your skills to command an astonishing array of cutting-edge technology and overwhelming firepower, delivered by tomorrow’s finest combat aircraft. From the F-35’s vectored thrust capability to the ultra-secret Enhanced Reality System, you’ll light up the skies with a suite of experimental technology available only to a chosen few.

See the enemy’s canopy shatter as your cannon shreds his aircraft. Feel the thundering impact of your laser-guided bombs as you roar close overhead. War may not be pretty, but it sure looks impressive.

From Moscow to the Persian Gulf, from the Arctic Circle to the Indian Ocean, actual high-resolution GeoEye™ commercial satellite imagery ensures an astonishing degree of realism.

Fly as an elite tactical aviator:

  • Go head-to-head in close-range dogfights
  • Take off and land on bases and carriers
  • Sweat through night precision bombing
  • Track your targets using silent UAV’s then strike from above
  • Use air-to-air refueling in the middle of missions

Source: Ubi-forums

Sledgehammer's Call of Duty job description depicts 1st person shooter

Sticking with the standard Call of Duty formula, the next Call of Duty game in the series - after Black Ops - is set to be an action adventure inspired shooter. The rumour was that this was going to  be the change the series needed and would be shown in a 3rd person format (a'la Gears of War), but according to a job listing by Sledgehammer games:

We are actively recruiting top talent for our Call of Duty First Person Shooter development team. If you have a desire to work on the most successful FPS franchise in the history of video games, apply online. We’re always looking for great people.
You can find the listing, here.

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project coming to Xbox Arcade

Microsoft has announced that the 2002 release of Duke Nukem will be gracing the Xbox arcade some time this year. The games page was updated recently to include the title (here), snippets below:

Duke Nukem is back in Duke Nukem Manhattan Project™! New York City is being overrun by a mutant menace and it's time to de-worm the Big Apple. This explosive 3-D action game features the politically incorrect action hero defending the city that never sleeps, and its babes, from the evil Mech Morphix across 24 levels from Chinatown to Space. A super-sized collection of weapons, enemies and bosses await. As Duke would say, “Babes, bullets, bombs. Man, I love this job!”

Insomniac Breaks PS3 Bond

Insomniac Games, the studio behind much loved game PS3 exclusives such as, Resistance, Spyro and Ratchet and Clank, are now breaking their bond with PS3, and will be releasing their new IP on XBox 360 as well.

They will be getting help from EA Partners with marketing and sales, but Insomniac will own the IP for the game, which is yet to be announced, and won't be until Insomniac are in a position to say "we're ready" to show it.

The smiley looking gentleman below will explain more, he's Ted Price, the front man of Insomniac Games:

Knight's Contract formally announced

Namco Bandai has confirmed that Knight's Contract will be heading to Europe in 2011. The news comes not long after its reveal in Japanese magazine Famitsu last week, though at the time it wasn't known if the fantasy horror would make the jump to the west.

Currently in development for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the game will see players controlling one of two characters; Heinrich, a scythe wielding knight cursed with immortality, and Gretchen, a spell-slinging witch.

There's no word on a North American launch as of yet, but we expect an announcement to be made within the next few weeks or at E3.

PR can be found below.

KNIGHTS CONTRACT’ TO BRING ITS BRUTAL AND SPECTACULAR FANTASY HORROR TO EUROPE - Cruel Violence and Savage Sorcery in NAMCO BANDAI Games’ Brand New Action Adventure, Coming to PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360® in 2011

NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe S.A.S. today lifted the lid on fantasy horror title Knights Contract, its newest 3rd person action adventure title scheduled for European launch in 2011 for PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360®.

A period action adventure set in the days when a healthy paranoia about witches was considered de rigeur, Knights Contract follows the tale of Heinrich, a cursed executioner of witches, and young girl Gretchen, a reincarnation of a witch whom Heinrich previously had the job of be-heading and who returned the favour by cursing him eternally.

When a stupendously evil and deadly threat descends on the earth, Gretchen, having had her young life curtailed once already, decides she is less than enthusiastic about seeing it ended again so soon. She decides to tackle the threat head-on by putting her curse on Heinrich to good use, enlisting his business-like and highly effective executing abilities to help curb the supernatural blood lust of their foes.

Nothing is so easy of course, and a lot of blood and its supernatural equivalent needs to be spilled before order can once again be restored to the land. Razor sharp scythes and explosive sorcery are your spectacularly effective weapons in a twilight world where you’re never more than a stone’s throw from someone, supernatural or otherwise, who would rather see you six feet under. It’s time to let the combos fly and lay waste to the hordes of darkness with a liberal dose of medieval panache.

For more information about NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe and its line up, please visit

Game © 2010 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.Published by NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe SAS

Red Dead Redemption's funniest glitches

Taken straight from g4tv, these videos are absolutely hilarious. Meet the abominations and warped creatures that reside the Wild West that even $100M couldn't fix.

God Bless Rockstar.

Cougar Man:

Donkey Woman

Rudolf, is that you?

Gunslinger Dawg

Splatterhouse receives its 3rd trailer

Namco/Bandai are on a bit of a roll at the minute, especially now the slaughteriffic slaughterhouse has been given another trailer. Glance below, and absorb the carnage.

APB console version set to be developed separately

APB lead designer (EJ Moreland) has been speaking with 'Develop' about the possibility of seeing an APB game on consoles. In the interview, the developer explains that previous ports from PC's have never really felt the same and that they were investigating and testing what would and wouldn't work for a console version of the game.

Usually when you play a console-to-PC port, or vice-versa, it’s usual that the game won’t work as well as it did on its original platform. So for us, what we see for APB on consoles – and we’ve had discussions about this – is to make a different game that fits better for the system, honestly from my experience, as someone who plays PC and console games, I had strong concerns that the game we were making for PC wasn’t going to be viable on console. We would want to do some things to make the game much more console-centric.

APB for PC releases in July.

Capcom's attempt to keep you playing Lost Planet 2

A leaked reveal of an achievement and PlayStation award has been found in the game, rewarding players who've been mashing and blasting some big baddies for a full half a year.

Of course, where there's an achievement to be had, the hunters have found a way to get it first, where setting the clock incorrectly and creating a save file offline when starting the game and then booting up Live or PSN to correct the date automatically tricks the game into releasing its grip on the trophy.

Still, it's a simple, cheap and effective way to prevent used sales of games. At least it doesn't cost anything like THQ's and EA's project 10/5 dollar... we'll glance over the extortionately priced  DLC unlock codes for content already on the disc though, to make Capcom look good.

Halo: Reach confirmed for September 14

Bungie has confirmed that Halo: Reach will release almost simultaneously worldwide on September 14, with Japan getting the game a day later, on the 15th.

In a statement, they also said that 2.7 million people logged on and played the beta during the 18 days it was available, and clocked in over 16 million hours of gameplay.

It's exceeded our expectations," said Bungie Studios community director Brian Jarrard. "Our only real perspective going into this was the 'Halo 3' beta test, which had about 800,000 people. We knew there were a couple million copies of 'ODST' out there, but we really didn't have any specific information that let us know what the population might be like."

Halo: Reach will be Bungie's last Halo game for the foreseeable future. Just last month they announced a 10 year deal with Activision to develop titles and new IP's for multiple platforms.

Xbox Indie Games deny game set in "Vagina and Rectum"

Channel 4, not usually associated with video games, have recently ploughed money into a project called "Privates", a platforming game scheduled to hit the Indie games section on the Xbox marketplace right the way up until it hit the brick wall that is Microsoft.

Game maker's Zombie Cow Productions received funding from channel 4 who were looking to market the title as "educational", where its setting is in the unique location of the human anatomy. Microsoft made a statement which read:

“This game has not been submitted to our pre-publication peer review process, and it has not been approved for distribution on Xbox Live Indie Games. We have guidelines in place that closely track requirements of content ratings boards worldwide and, among other things, prohibit the publication of strong sexual content.“While we haven’t seen this game, we can confirm that if it is consistent with the description we have seen on the Internet, this game would not pass peer review and would not be permitted to be distributed on Xbox Live.”
In simple terms, they are calling the game 'sexual' due to its local and setting being in the female genitalia.

In an interview with Zombie Cow's lead man (Dan Marshall), he states that the game was designed and could be marketed to promote safe sex amongst young men, specifically in an interview with Seattle PI:
The whole thing is essentially aimed at teenage boys. That said, we’re doing it in an entertaining, funny way, so it’s approachable by people of all ages. It’s a really interesting project.

There was always going to be a risk it won’t pass Peer Review, but obviously we’ll do whatever we can to get the Xbox version out. It’d be a shame if a huge number of teenagers missed out on some quality gaming and vital education because of some abstract, cellular-level innards and pubic hairs.
The feedback I’ve had so far suggests it shouldn’t be a huge problem, and I’m sure the guys doing the peer review will judge it fairly and accordingly based on a thorough playthrough of the game. Although the content nudges the boundaries of the XBIG terms, I’m pretty sure we’re acceptably within them – particularly when the educational value of the title becomes apparent.
When we’ve got a beta build, we’ll talk to Microsoft about it and see what they say, but it’s a little too early to start worrying about that sort of thing now.

With the possibility of the title not reaching Xbox Live and now that it's likely got your attention as well as mine, the game is planned to be launched for free on the Channel 4 website. Forget Little Big Planet 2, this is what I want to get my hands on...

...probably a bad choice of words, there.

Anyway, official website with more information can be found here.

UK Weekly Charts: Red Dead is number one

Not surprisingly, Rockstar's western epic Red Dead Redemption has shot straight into the UK charts at number one. The PS3/360 gunslinger, which suffered extensive shortages in high street stores, managed to push EA's FIFA World Cup 2010 into second place, and Alan Wake all the way down to number eight.

Ubisoft's crazily successful Just Dance actually managed to go up again on the charts, hitting number three from four last week, whilst Wii Fit Plus did the same, hitting fourth from all the way down at nine last week. Disney's Split/Second Velocity cruised in at number five.

Full list below.

Killzone 3 revealed, - Jetpacks, 3D and a Naughty Dog

Interesting combo, eh?

The latest issue of Gamepro has a blowout article on Killzone 3, even before its been officially announced by Sony.

Some of the features of the game are said to include Jetpacks, stereoscopic 3D support, an upgrade to the destructible environments from Killzone 2, - this time the game is set to feature "total destruction",  rather than just in certain areas. There is also a beasty sounding new weapon called 'The Wasp'.

But one of the main things that is sure to please Killzone and PS3 fan's alike, is the fact that Uncharted creator's Naughty Dog are said to have helped out on the graphics engine. Take a look at what Uncharted 2 looks like, and what Killzone 2 already looked like, and you'll see why this is a good thing.

More detail comes from the Gamespot forums, relating to the article:

  • Will show the Helghast have humanity left in them
  • Will have the feeling that “of being in a place far away from home, outnumbered by people who want to kill you.”
  • Will be like Inglorious Basterds.
  • All of the characters in the screenshots are flying in.. jetpacks?!
  • Will include arctic levels.
  • One mission in the game involves rescuing ISA Captain Narville.
  • Game is playable in 3D
  • Have to wear 3D glasses, apparently the 3D effects are “crazy.”
  • Combat is “unchanged from predecessor.”
  • Or is it? Hand to hand combat involves you “Unloading a string of different (and often brutal) attacks on stunned enemies.”
  • The scale is supposed to be “bigger this time.”
  • The Jetpacks are “surprisingly lightweight and agile, Killzone 3’s jetpack is easier to maneuver compared to the sluggish incarnations of the gadget found in other games.”
  • New weapon called the Wasp, basically shoots a “flurry of rockets” at an enemy.
  • Will show off the Helghast culture.
  • There is actually a Helghast language, which will be explored in the game.
  • Will have “diverse locales.”
  • Have to sit in the center of the 3D tv for the 3D effects to work.
  • 3D in this game is called a “Game Changer.”
  • Going to have “Intense Action”
  • Jetpacks double as a weapon, which basically means a machine gun mounted right on top of it.
  • If you shoot Helghast with jetpacks, they’ll “explode like roman candles”
  • To control the jetpack, you “have to activate bursts of speed in midair, propelling yourself across further distances.”
  • The Jetpack resembles something you’d do in platformers such as Super Mario Bros. Or Uncharted
  • In one mission, you have to use the jetpack by “launching yourself from glacier to glacier”
    You’ll see “a lot of” snow levels.
  • Everything is more spread out in this game.
  • The game looks very complete.
It was revealed in March that Killzone 3 was in development with SCEA boss Jack Tretton promising to bring out the big guns at E3, namely including Killzone 3. But as yet, Sony nor developers Guerrilla have officially announced the game.

To E3, and don't spare the horses!