Dead Space 2 will 'scare the pants off you'

According to Visceral producer Rich Briggs, the next installment of Dead Space will 'scare the pants off you.'

Speaking to G4, here's what he had to say:-

"It was 100 percent white-knuckle tension and we did a lot of research following claims that certain people never even listened to the logs sometimes because they were so scared of something jumping out at them from a dark corner. We don’t want people to be sacrificing their understanding of the story and their enjoyment of the environment because they’re always so scared.

We are still gonna be a horror game, yes, we are still Dead Space, we’re gonna scare the pants off you as many times as we can, but Issac’s been through this before, so he’s a little bit more capable this time around, he’s going to have some times where he can actually have an epic moment and it is like a rollercoaster ride."

Dead Space 2 is due to come out within the first three months 2011.


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