Bad Teeth? Stop playing games

According to some new research that was presented during the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research, eating snacks while playing computer games can lead to bad oral health.

Although, I'm not sure why it's only while playing games that snacking causes bad oral health. I'm sure it's not any better to snack while watching a movie.

The study was carried out by observing 12-16 year olds, and resulted in the finding that those who are 'addicted' to video games are more likely to get bad oral health. It also found that the worst health belonged to the teenagers who had 'no parental restrictions on screen time'.

Sounds like video games are being used as a scape goat once again.


Marty said...

Love it!

RoutineCurry said...

The kinda stuff video games gets blamed for is an absolute joke

JD said...

Once again. Not games fault, it's the parents.

Dan said...

Well hell. I eat Apples and play games :O
Salty snacks just muck up the controller, init.

Timmy said...

The subliminal use of a hippo is very intriguing. lol

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