SEGA lays seeds for exclusivity deal on Shenmue III

Speaking to Eurogamer, the makers outlined their plans at developing the game with exclusivity rights to help sales and to balance numbers. The original game on the Dreamcast, at the time, had the most expensive budget of any game but never really had the sales to make that investment pay off.

“None of the previous games sold really well for the investment made, and SEGA is in doubt as to if it will resurrect the series. However, SEGA assured the fans that if there is some opportunity to revisit the series, they would love to do it.“SEGA also mentioned the chance of one of the three hardware makers financing the game’s (Shenmue III) production in exchange for an exclusivity deal.”
So, what does this mean and where do we stand? Well, there was an announcement back in 2004 that Shenmue Online was in the making, but that never surfaced and we all know the exclusivity kings are SONY. However, we also know that Microsoft have the $$$ pulling power to secure major titles earlier on 360 (at around the same price as the original game's $70million development budget) so who knows which - if either - company will take the plunge.


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