Leaked Windows Mobile 7 images show Xbox LIVE love

 If we've learned anything from the days of the cold war, its that spying is a terrible thing. But when it comes to gadgets however, its can be a very good thing.

Today, Microsoft will take to the stage at the MWC (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona, and unveil what they hope will finally be a success for them in the Mobile space, Windows Mobile 7.

So whats that go to do with gaming?, you ask. Well, normally nothing. Except over the last few months, there have been rumors of some kind of Xbox LIVE integration in this new system, dubbed 'Windows phone'.

And it looks like its here. The guys at Engadget have been handed a few leaked snapshots of the device's UI, hidden (not so well) behind a banner with the Xbox LIVE logo slapped on it, which suggests some integration with the service.

The official keynote will take place at 2pm so expect some more info then on how much integration this thing will have, but we're hoping for more than just simply accessing our friends list on the phone. If that is the case, the iPhone and Blackberry have nothing to fear.

Click here for the full set on Engadget


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