Codies call time on Operation Flashpoint

In the wake of the criticism and rocky launch Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising received and the continual demise of the series activity due to bugs, glitches and unpopular dlc updates, the community manager announced the makers have halted work on updates for the game, be it bug fixes or extra content dlc.

“With the upcoming release of the Overwatch DLC on PS3, and a few “heated” threads on the topic, I just wanted to inform you all that the team have now completed the “Dragon Rising” chapter of Operation Flashpoint and that’s it for DR-related content going forward.
“We are sorry if Dragon Rising and the two DLCs released to date have left you wanting even more, but in the grand scheme of future plans and schedules the vast majority of the team are already busy planning the future of modern combat.We’re aware that this news might disappoint some of you, but I kindly ask that you all please keep any future posts on this topic mature and constructive.”


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