So Whats Up With The Modern Warfare 2 DLC?

Ok so for those of you who didn't read m
y previous article I wrote about the fact that Xbox 360 was getting a timed release of the new expansion DLC. Now back at E3 last year during Microsofts Keynote we were promised 2 Map Packs, am I the only one who remembers this? So what happened? Is it now 1 map pack and one expansion pack, or do we still have two map packs coming out and an expansion pack as well because Infinity Wards just feeling that nice. Come on we need some clarity!!! I mean I don't mind if its the later but i would be pretty peeved if Infinity Ward is skipping out on there promise of 2 map packs oh and also it better be 4 maps not 3 maps like the MW map pack. If Treyarch can release 4 maps in a map pack, even if one of them is a Nazi Zombie map for 800 MS points then so can you infinity ward.

Going back to the subject of the expansion DLC what could it be? Is it just more Spec-Ops missions or is it the rumored Ghost prologue which was teased on launch day. When interviewed Craig Fairbrass the voice actor for ghost said that,

"I did in the last game a voice for a character called Gaz and in this game I'm now voicing a guy called Ghost, who now just got a spin-off comic of his own and they're talking about another little game to go with it. So, I'm quite excited about it. It's grown and grown and grown."

If its the Ghost prologue it better prove that hes Gaz otherwise why the heck did Infinty Ward use the same voice actor then. Its not like theres a sudden lack of voice acting talent, though you wouldn't have known it from looking at Billy Murray's(Captain Price's) current work, since the only thing he is doing now is the horrible Lawyers4you adverts. Yes everybody, the people in those adverts aren't really lawyers a bit slow are we? Or it might turn into some ridiculous soap drama (get it lol Soap hehehe) and Ghost is really Gaz's conjoined twin who was separated at birth. Who now wears the incredibly awesome skull mask in memory of Gaz for some unknown and probably incredibly ridiculous reason. Make up your own reason!!! Im not doing all the work here thinking up bizarre plots. *Spoiler Alert* If thats true who cares they are both dead anyway *End of Spoiler Alert*

In the end I guess all that matters is that Xbox 360 is getting it first and Sony fanboys can go cry in a corner. Then the fanboys will probably just retort well Microsoft payed them so you could get it, well one who really cares and two that just means Microsoft understands the power of money.


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